In case you haven’t been across the news lately, Australia’s media families and their chosen right-wing politicians are in the battle of their careers.

In short, they must defeat the upcoming national referendum over whether or not we should include Aboriginal people in the constitution. If they don’t, that means the Liberal and National Party are still as out of touch with the general public as they were when they lost over 20 seats at the 2022 Election.

It also means that Rupert Murdoch and Peter Costello’s overvalued newspapers can no longer claim they have any influence over voters. That effects their advertising dollar!

The Indigenous Voice would simply be a mechanism to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community leaders and elders with a room in Parliament House that would allow them to advise politicians on their unique socio-economic issues – and offer strategies that might help mitigate the very visible rates of disadvantage and near-third world suffering amongst Indigenous Australians.

So why does the media and conservative political class seem to be so furiously opposed to it?

It’s a real head scratcher, especially when considering that the Liberal Party and NewsCorp were some of the loudest champions of the Uluru Statement – which is the founding document that this referendum has been modelled off.

With this debate now at a hysterical point where the misinformation is spreading like wildfire and racist slurs are being plastered all across social media, The Betoota Advocate has decided to cut through the culture wars – and present a REAL reason to vote no.

Forget black people for a minute here. This doesn’t really involve them. Voting NO is more about preventing the death of the Liberal Party – who are holding on for dear life after the Australian voters cruelly turned on the brave and selfless leader Scott Morrison at the 2022 federal election.

In order for us to keep the conservative political class in the picture – we need to give them an easy win. Voting NO, and making this entire referendum a waste of time IS an easy win.

If you too felt completely out of touch with the rest of Australia while watching Scott Morrison lose over 20 seats at the 2022 Election, you too should vote NO and pretend it didn’t happen.

It will momentarily ease the pain – and might even make Peter Dutton look slightly relevant, before the Liberals once again get pumped at the next election.


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