Prominent Aussie billionaire, Edmund Borne-Toroole (68) is really worried about what a Parliamentary Indigenous Advisory Body will do to our country.

That’s why he’s donated a couple million dollars to the conservative campaign machine aimed at killing it.

His reasons are that he doesn’t want to divide Australia, which in his view is an equal country, with equal opportunity offered to everyone – even the unskilled migrant class that make up the vast majority of menial labour within his serviced apartment empire for minimum wage.

“I’m sick of the victimhood” says Mr Borne-Toroole

“I managed to pull myself up by the boot straps. In 1978 I had nothing to my name but a humble chain of airport hotels left to me by late father. He came from nothing. Just a bush kid from the Liverpool Plains whose ancestors stumbled across a 20,000 acres of the most fertile soil in the country, with absolutely no Aboriginal people in sight.”

“We never sat back and asked for handouts”

He joins fellow conservative billionaire families like the Blackmores (vitamins) and Kennards (storage) who have donated generously to the No Campaign – amongst many, many other old money donors who feel such deep guilt about what happened in this country that they cannot breath oxygen unless they are able to mentally erase the historical suffering and tragedy that may have very well contributed to their generational wealth.

However, given their political affiliation with the now struggling Liberal Party, these billionaire donors – and the campaign staff they are bankrolling – are considered ‘outsiders’ in the eyes of the Australian media, and definitely not ELITES.

It’s Aboriginal people are the elites, because they are the only ones getting an Indigenous Advisory Panel that will be able to advise Federal government policy, much like the countless lobbyists that work the halls of Parliament House everyday on behalf of billionaires.

Mr Borne-Toroole thinks that’s unfair to everyday Aussies.

“We are all Australians” he says, as he attempts to plug the gaping black hole of guilt and sadness that doesn’t have to exist if he militantly denies the horrors perpetrated against Aboriginal people in the open season massacres and indentured servitude that stems directly from an intentionally destructive colonial settlement that saw generations of black children stripped of their culture and left to be raised out of sight by abusive priests and pedophile dorm wardens in religious and state-run institutions that were still well and truly operating in his lifetime.

“Why should Aboriginal people be treated differently?”


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