It is a commonly known fact that the regular law doesn’t really apply for any town outside a 300km radius of a major city. So, when Betoota farmer, Toby Wishart (59), was pulled over by police at an RBT and subsequently arrested for drink-driving, it’s fair to say he was in a state of shock and confusion as the paddy-wagon drove him back to the station.

Wishart, who is in the city picking up a second-hand lawnmower he bought on Gumtree, had been enjoying a few cold XXXX schooners at a prominent urban pub before deciding to call it a night and drive his Toyota LandCruiser Ute home.  

Unfortunately for Wishart, it was his obvious country roots that made him a sitting duck in the sights of the police.

“Hello sir, this is a random breath testing. How many beers have you had tonight?” Questioned officer Swyne, with a clearly aggressive tone.  

“Nah not many, mate” cheerily replied Wishart with only a slight slur.

“Blow into this, sir. Hmm, 0.149 doesn’t really seem like ‘not many’ to me.” Jeered office Swyne.  

“She’ll be right mate, it’s only around the corner”

“Mate, I don’t care. The law is the law. I’ll need you to step out of your vehicle and come with me”

The Advocate caught up with Wishart shortly after his wife posted bail, to see whether he feels he’s another victim of police brutality or if he was in fact just breaking the law.

“I don’t understand how I was over, I only had 10 – but they’re mid strength so that’ really only 5”

“Brucey would have let me off if I was back home. Get me out of this lefty hell hole”

More to come.



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