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Substitute teacher Graham Morfoot (27) is questioning his passion for teaching following a particularly rough lesson in year 8 geography where classroom powerbroker Tegan Driscol (14) sensed his weakness the moment he walked into class.

With five years experience in high school teaching, Morfoot (who teaches as ‘Mr M’) is not adverse to a difficult student but was not prepared for Driscol’s particular brand of torment.

“Yeah, you get some bad kids from time to time who might be going through some stuff at home and acting out, you can’t hold it against them. But geez, I’ll sleep right tonight if I think there’s a chance that rotten little bitch is going to cop a hiding from mum or dad.”

In a Betoota Advocate exclusive, we can reveal a transcript of the encounter taken from a Snapchat story shot by Driscol’s best friend at the time of the incident, Teneal Sargent (13).

NOTE: During the transcript, Mr M refers to Tegan Driscol as Teneal Sargent after the two responded to each other’s names during roll call as a hilarious prank.

Mr M: “Start questions one through to five and let me know if you have any questions. Yes?”

Tegan Driscol: “What does the M in Mr M stand for?”

M: “Questions about the task.”

T: “Do you not know what it stands for or something?”

M: “Teneal, I’d just do my work if I was you.”


T: “How can I do my work though if you don’t answer any of my questions?”

M: “Morfoot. Now stop disrupting everybody and answer the questions on the board.”

T: “What kind of name is Morfoot? Like more foot? See why you go with Mr M.”

M: “Do I need the principal in here?”

T: “Why? Do you like her?”


While Mr M says it will take more than a student like Driscol to put him off teaching forever, he claims to certainly have a date with a six pack of heavy lager tonight.

“I’ll be pretty nervous returning to that class? What am I going to wear? I don’t want them to make fun of me. Far out, this is like high school all over again.”


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