ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A disturbing trending hashtag on social media today has been the strongest indication that Prime Minister Scott Morrison may have lost the smalltown vote.

Towns, while usually the small Labor holdout in a sea of blue or green, have generally been supportive of the Prime Minister until his endless stream of brain-melting gaffes began on the shores of Waikiki Beach all those years ago.

The hashtag ‘ScottyThaPutridDog’ is now trending on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and most shockingly, Pintrest.

In the regional social media etiquette, the more conservative country cousins often censor themselves as to not be seen swearing in front of their many relatives. In recent times, dropping the ‘c’ from the word ‘Fuck’ makes using the term much more socially acceptable.

However, now that thousands and thousands of regional Australians have labelled the Prime Minister a ‘putrid dog’ (which some consider to be the highest insult in the land) it looks like the PM’s chances of sweeping the outer metropolitan electorates has hit a speed bump.

The Advocate‘s editor, Clancy Overell, has been called a putrid dog more times than he can remember. Including once by a District Court magistrate.

As someone who’s spent arguably half his adult life with the putrid dog albatross around his neck, Clancy went onto explain to The Advocate that there’s no coming back from this for Scott Morrison.

“You can’t unputrid dog someone,” he explained.

“And thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people around regional Australia are calling him that. That’s a big deal,”

“He can’t call an election now. Seeing what happened in WA. He simply can’t. He said the Federal Government bankrolled that election victory. Well, where does the Federal Government get most of its money from? The WA GST invoice. WA got us out of the GFC, back when Scotty was just another set of lips on the public boob at Tourism Australia,”

“This can only mean bad news.”

More to come.


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