ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Momentum is building for a new plebiscite on whether Advance Australia Fair should remain as the nation’s national anthem; the front runner to replace it being Duel of the Fates, a four-minute song composed by American John Williams in 1999.
Duel of the Fates is featured during the climate of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, of which is was specifically composed for. Many academics and film critics, including The Advocate’s Editor and Movie Club president, Dr Clancy Overeall OAM, consider it to be the greatest film from the Star Wars franchise.
Other options on the proposed plebiscite include a 16-minute trance remix of Advance Australia Fair by popular contemporary artist, Flume and The Nutbush.
Nevertheless, the growing calls for this plebiscite have been answered, then slammed back down on the hook by the nation’s conservative voters and media personalities.
Sydney 2GB’s Alan Jones, who’s in the news again this week for being a pig, said this morning on-air that he’d set himself alight in Martin Place in protest if the anthem was changed to Duel of the Fates.
Closer to home, a local Ford Fairlane owner said he would ‘lose it’ if our anthem was changed.
The Advocate reached out to the Office of the Prime Minister for comment and is yet to receive a reply.
However, Albo of the Opposition said he’d support it – but only in the event Australian becomes and republic.
“Imagine how intimidating it’d be, like in the context of sport. The All Blacks would have their Haka and everything, we’d have 40 000 people yelling Duel of the Fates in reply. That’d be awesome,”
“Which makes me think what should replace the Union Jack on the flag? Or maybe we just make a new, cooler one as Canada did? Or we just use the Lord Howe Island flag but change the colours a bit and add a machine gun or something?”
“Let me get back to you.”
More to come.