After a big day at the races with some mates from work, a local dad came home to his wife and children with a funny plan to eat cereal at dinner time instead of breakfast.

The 38-year-old logistics manager arrived home to a cheer from his three children, all under the age 7, when he suggested that instead of boring veggies and mince, they are allowed to have cornflakes for dinner.

“You can have cornflakes if you want!” yells their frazzled father, while taking off his wrap-around sunnies to reveal a sunburn mark.

“You don’t even have to have weetbix”

“Yay!!” yells his oldest daughter, Josie (6).

“Cornflakes dinner!”

However, It appears mum isn’t as excited about the idea, and the two of them head into their bedroom to talk about why he wants to eat cereal for dinner.

After twenty or munites, Mum returns to the kitchen.

“Go for it kids” she says, while wiping her eyes.

Dad joins them shortly after with a cute little frilly hat that he found on the ground in general admission.

“Here you go Sal, you look like a real fashions of the field winner now!” he chuckles, while putting it on his youngest daughter, Sally (5).

“Now eat up!”

The kids respond with a cheer.

In fact, dad’s idea eating sugar-infused cereal with milk at dinner time received such a positive response from the kids, he says that can do it for every meal this week.



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