Peter Dutton MP has today hosted a rushed media conference, where he warned Australia’s refugee community against performing heroic acts.

“This will not help your chances of becoming an Australian like me” he said.

“Don’t get any ideas from that bloke in France”

Dutton’s comments come after a young Malian refugee was offered French citizenship after he saved a four-year-old child hanging from a fourth-floor balcony by scaling the facade of the building and hauling the infant to safety.

Mamoudou Gassama’s feat went viral on social media, where he was dubbed “Spider-Man” for his heroic actions in Paris’s northern 18th district.

The phone camera footage shows Mr Gassama, 22, pulling himself up from balcony to balcony with his bare hands as a man on the fourth floor tries to hold on to the child by leaning across from a neighbouring ­balcony.

On reaching the fourth floor, Mr Gassama puts one leg over the balcony before reaching out with his right arm to grab the child.

Peter Dutton, the Minister For Home Affairs has today made it clear that this simply wouldn’t happen in Australia.

“Those actions, while heroic, would not come with the same rewards in Australia”

“In fact, all it would do is help us identify you, process you, and send you back to whatever country you were fleeing from”

“The end”



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