While two little Tamil girls have their childhoods stripped from them in the Christmas Island offshore detention centre for the crime of having a dad that missed out on getting his bridging visa approved by 24 hours – The Minister For Home Affairs continues to give Australians a reason to thank God that he never became Prime Minister.

Although he still has the political clout to abuse vulnerable asylum seekers and cancel the visas for Saudi women fleeing honour killings – Dutton’s ability to destroy the Liberal Party and the Australian way of life through his dodgy-cop style of political incompetence was neutralised when Scott Morrison beat him for the Prime Minister job in the 2018 LibSpill.

However, that doesn’t mean he isn’t able to misappropriate tax payer dollars through his politically corrupt cronyism.

As was unearthed by the ABC earlier this week, Peter Dutton’s office fast-tracked a one-off $880,000 Federal grant proposal to a retail association eight days after it made a political donation to the Queensland Liberal National Party in the dying days of their fruitless 2020 election campaign.

This newest scandal joins the countless private security contracts that have been given to his mates – as well as all the government money his wife’s childcare centres receives, as well as all of those pretty little French Au Pairs who had their visas fast tracked for Liberal party donors in South Australia.

However, Dutton’s corruption appears to be getting more brazen, according to this ABC report, which he has already written off as left-wing bias – which seems to be the Government’s strategy for dismissing any form of criticism over their severe misconduct.

The National Retail Association (NRA) made a $1,500 donation to the Queensland LNP – and indicated that Peter Dutton was the reason they were so keen to support the party.

One week later Mr Dutton asked that an application by the NRA for a funding grant “be considered sooner”.

Mr Dutton said any suggestion he would be influenced “by a lawful donation to the LNP” was “false and highly defamatory”

Scott Morrison has refused to comment on this scandal, stating that it’s already been dealt with, and instead wanted to plug his new vaccine that doesn’t exist yet.



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