A Betoota man supposedly gives a shit about some tennis match involving a player who’s named he learnt last night and will more than likely never be able to pronounce properly, it has been confirmed.

This comes with the early rounds of Wimbledon ticking over, and as the big names knock the little ones over in what are often quite lopsided boring matches.

27-year-old Artie Grant says the fact that he has thus far never really enjoyed a sporting event without alcohol, is a good enough reason to fire up for a Wednesday arvo beer with the lads.

“I dunno, mate,” he says, while looking fresh after successfully avoiding schooners on both Monday and Tuesday night.

“It’s got all the makings of a classic match here between South African Kevin Anderson and Serbian Janko Tipsarević” he said, gracelessly stumbling through the Balkan name last night.

“I reckon this should be a real humdinger. He’s a really underrated player and grass suits his style of game” he said, sipping his 5th school night schooner.

“Just strapping in for a classic,”

The game eventually finished in 4 quickish sets with Artie unavailable to comment this morning on the game, but it’s believed he hasn’t come clean with anyone at work about breaking the pledge he spent a month going on about just two days in.


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