The cheeky and much loved Queensland Police Service have released a side-splitting video of some of their officers doing the Harlem Shake, after taking 44 months to realise what it was.

The video features officers from the Toowoomba Local Area Command doing the shake, which took the world by storm in 2013, 44 months ago.

The video also features a warning about driving across flood waters.

Detective Sergeant Luke Walker says that the video is just proof of how relatable and up to date the Police Media Unit is.

“Ahhh yes, at around 3.45pm yesterday afternoon I saw the video on Facebook… I just thought we have got to bloody do one of our own. The public loves that sort of stuff!”

After deciding Harambe was a bit too “memey” a few days ago, the rest of the unit agreed to the stunt, and it has paid dividends gaining thousands of likes from middle class mums on Facebook.

Local baby boomer, Steve Carroll says that he loves the stuff the police do on Facebook.

“It’s really fantastic that they can shake of that hard shell and show us their funny personable side. It’s great for them to keep the kids onside like that,” he said.

However not everyone was so appreciative. There were many negative comments, like user “Brock Elling” who commented  “ur not funy”


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