ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The Federal Government has earmarked $4.5 billion to spend on 29 new Apache attack helicopters to help prevent further invasions by American pigeons.

Earlier this week, a racing pigeon got lost in America and turned up in Melbourne. Due to the biohazard risk, the government has said they will catch and kill the bird.

“The risk posed by the bird to our national biosecurity was is enormous,” said Defence minster Linda Reynolds.

“Which is why the government has committed to spending $4.5 billion to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We cannot let pigeons come to Australia when they want. Pigeons need to be quarantined and cleared by Border Force like any other animal,”

“These new Apache helicopters will make sure this most recent border blunder won’t happen again. Next time, we will have helicopters in the air to shoot any foreign pigeons.”

The Advocate reached out to The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister but were told Michael McCormack has been banned from speaking to the media until full-time Prime Minister Scott Morrison returns from his holiday on Monday.

More to come.


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