ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The Prime Minister has been on the offensive this morning after Cricket Australia announced plans to postpone the Tour of South Africa indefinitely.

Speaking to the media this morning in Canberra, Scott Morrison said Cricket Australia, the nation’s peak cricketing body, to keep politics out of the game and focus on getting over to South Africa before our winter.

“I think it’s an incredibly immature decision,” said Mr Morrison.

“The South African government has made a huge effort to appease our cricketers and Cricket Australia has basically gone back on their word. I think that’s disappointing,”

“There’s no doubt in my mind that this decision to cancel the tour was a political decision. The danger posed by this so-called health emergency isn’t enough to simply refuse to play a country in cricket,”

“This country is fractured and divided and we need to look to our nation’s cricketers for guidance and healing.”

The Advocate reached out to Cricket Australia for comment but were directed to former CEO James Sutherland’s answering machine.

More to come.


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