ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Today down in New South Wales, the Deputy Premier John Barilaro was called before a parliamentary inquiry into how the bushfire grant money has been spent.

The Big Queanbeyanese Powerhouse was prepared.

From the get-go, he categorically denied any wrongdoing. Barilaro stood accused of making sure grant money was being spent in Coalition electorates while terribly affected Labor electorates, such as The Blue Mountains in the western part of Sydney, got next to nothing.

When asked why, Barilaro said they didn’t meet the criteria to receive the grant money. Then, with allegations of pork-barrelling thrown at him, Barilaro laughed.

“What’s your point, cunt?” he said to the inquiry’s chair.

“Everyone does it. It’s part and parcel of politics. Where do you think you work, mate? The fucking Smith Family? The Salvation Army? Mate, wake up to yourself,”

“Honestly, mate. Are there fucking rocks inside your head where your brain should be? Are you really that naive? Of course, I pork–barreled the cunt. If that fucking what’s his name, that old Labor leader, Luke. If he won the election, every cunt on Bells Line of Road would have a new Porshe in the driveway. Fuck you.”

The chair then asked if he thought he’d done anything wrong.

“If you don’t like it, refer me to the fucking ICAC. Stop wasting my time.”

Mr Barilaro then got up and laughed again at the chair before lowering his pants to defecate on the floor of the inquiry.

“You should clean that up before someone steps in it,” he said.

“God sake, you bastards need to get out of Sydney more often.”

More to come.


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