Senator Matt Canavan has today been forced to declare any income he has made outside of politics by renting his massive ‘fivehead.”

The iconic cinema chain has today put out a press release outlining the terms of the partnership.

“As of next month Senator Matt Canavan’s forehead will use the IMAX film system. We feel his enormous noggin is the perfect screen to host our crystal clear images, which are ten times larger than the traditional cinema format”

It is believed that after chasing Canavan fivehead for several months, IMAX were informed by his staffers that they’d need to dump a couple Ms in the Liberal Party coffers to even get a sit down.

“I think it’s a marvelous idea” said the Deputy PM.

“It was either IMAX or Wilson Car Parks that were gonna utilise the space”

“I’ve always said it’s gotta be at least a twenty to thirty dollar cab from Matthew’s eyebrows to his hairline”

Senator Canavan has today addressed the controversial partnership, claiming that, like the mining industry, IMAX have just as much right to use his face as a billboard – so long as the money is right.

“God loved me so much that He gave me one face and started clearing off a place for another” said Canavan.

“Why shouldn’t I make a bit of money from it?”

“No one ever had a problem with me taking money from Gina to screen her views onto my Twitter page”


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