The Liberal Party of Australia have today continued on their quest to sow as much confusion and doubt about an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Despite the fact a report dropped at the back end of last week revealing how ‘crude and cruel’ their criminal Robodebt Scheme was, the Liberals are maintaining that the biggest issue right now is a Voice to Parliament.

“The Voice will divide our nation and create two different classes of citizens,” explained a spokesperson for the party that created a debt recovery scheme that viciously harassed poor and resulted in an unquantified amount of deaths.

“We can’t allow Australians to be treated differently,” continued the spokesperson, who was integral in the scheme that the Liberal Party was aware was illegal while they were running it.

“It’s actually racist when you think about it,” said the dead shit career politician who tries to create division and disunity because it’s easier to score political points like that, rather than actually doing some work to improve the lives of Australians.

While we likely never known how many vulnerable people died as a result of the Robodebt Scheme, The Liberal Party said that the new report is actually a bit of beat up.

“There really isn’t much in that 993 page report,” continued the spokesperson.

“Unlike the establishment of a Voice, which will tear a nation apart,” he said in he regards to a yet to be determined body that will have no powers to veto or pass laws and will simply provide advice to parliament on matters that affect Indigenous Australians.

“And don’t get me started on constitutional recognition…”

“Recognising First Nations’ people? What the hell is next!”

More to come.


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