A Betoota couple on a road trip figured the town they stopped in must surely have some good pubs after seeing a tobacconist right next to a kebab shop.

Known as the two earthly goods most craved after a night on the piss, a kebab run or fresh deck are usually a one-or-the-other choice drunks have to make when they want to wake up feeling even seedier than they already would have.

However, Betoota travel influencers Pat and Samantha of @punchingbaldguytravels came across a tobacconist next to a kebab shop in the rural Queensland town of Gurligrah, they knew they were in for some serious nightlife.

“As soon as we saw those two next to each other we knew it was time to park the van and find the pub they service,” stated Samantha, who was looking a little bug eyed after a night of some immersive cultural experiences.

“Sure enough, the local pub, The Gra Bar, was a pearler of a watering hole. XXXX kegged in wooden barrels, pokie machines with wrist pads and Keno with pens instead of pencils.”

“The menu, the Gra Bar Pub Grub, was patriotically delicious. I got to go out the back and pick the chicken they made into a parmi which was loaded with ham for no extra money. It’s the only place I’ve ever seen happy alcoholics, it was great.”

And in what will surely result in some sort of prestigious award for town planning, the young couple were able to exit the pub and easily locate the two items that degenerate an evening with the most indulgent sin of gluttony.

“Was such a good kebab. Fresh everything, homemade hummus, bread warmed up just for us, cheese as standard, no little bits of foil infiltrating every second bite. It was like inhaling delicious Turkish air.”

“And the tobacconist was like a properly schmick tobacconist, duries, rollies, vapes, everything. They even took me out the back.”

Although both feeling like absolutely annihilated shit the next morning, Pat and Samantha shared a laugh as they caught each other slashing the tires of their van so that they would never have to leave this well designed ergonomic town ever again.


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