A once in a lifetime opportunity to score a rare piece of internet real estate has popped up as a lucrative joint Instagram account is now up for grabs.

The Insta account in question is @MadzAndMarkDoAdventurz, a joint venture by recently estranged couple Maddy Liedel and Mark Dronger where they once shared their sporadic travel content from the regional Australia tourist hotspots of Mt Quilby, Magpie Bay and Port Aloo. 

After six years of on-again/off-againing (totalling three and a half years of actual relationship) Maddy and Mark have finally decided to call it quits but for real this time, initially leaving their 80 Instagram followers unsure as to the future of their profile.

Now with their physical possessions divied up, neither Maddy nor Mark have any interest in continuing the Instagram account as both of them feel it was the other’s idea to have a joint Insta in the first place.

“To be honest, I’ve had my own account for a while,” stated Mark, on day three of his post-break-up week of Hungry Jacks.

“It was the bloody explore page that got me in trouble. If those influencers were wearing clothes it all would have been fine.”  

Almost-dressed influencers aside, Maddy is similarly looking forward to independence both in the physical world and online.

“It was a stupid idea,” stated Maddy, on day three of her post-break-up week of wine dinners.

“I was replying to people’s stories and commenting as ‘we’ like I was a brand or something equally pathetic.”

“And he just went along with it. He didn’t question it. He seemed to think the joint Insta thing was a good idea and that we weren’t one of ‘those couples’.”

“Seriously, the account is yours if you want it. The password is TruLuvN3vrDiez69.”


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