ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The gutless public servant at the centre of one of Canberra’s most pressing issues is extending her holiday today after their doctor explained they still didn’t have enough ticker to return to work.

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds, who bungled the handling of an alleged rape that happened in her office and then labelled the victim a ‘lying cow’, will not be coming back to work until after Parliament goes back in the coming weeks.

Instead, the buck-passing baby will put her feet up and wait another few weeks to see if this will all blow over and she can go back to work buying some more submarines.

However, judging by recent news poll results that show Reynolds is largely considered to be a self-protecting coward by the public who stands accused of using doctors to smokescreen any effort to demand accountability from her, it seems her position as a cabinet minister to be untenable.

No further comment has been made on the issue by the Office of the Prime Minister, who now considers this matter closed and will arrogantly ignore it until they think it’ll go away.

But the public wants blood and sooner rather than later, the Prime Minister will have to satisfy that thirst if he doesn’t want to be blown apart at the next election.

More to come.


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