ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A few short months ago, the denizens of our town’s Old City District agencies and firms where drinking to success and celebration.

From signing new clients to cherished employees cutting their lines loose from our safe harbour’s dock and setting a course for the wild seas abroad – times were good.

However, that was then.

And since then, the nation’s economy has had its mask of good times ripped off, leaving the true state of affairs laid bare for all to see.

Clients began cutting their expenses.

Because there is a God and he loves us, it was the agencies who began to feel the pinch first.

So, on this scorching hot Friday afternoon here in our cosmopolitan slice of the Great State’s far southwest corner, the agency people who are drinking on the company card are without anything to celebrate.

One of them being Seb White, an account coordinator at the Eagle Boys Pizza of advertising agencies, Clemenger South Betoota.

He was joined by two other friends with visible tattoos down at Betoota’s only Merivale establishment, The Dickless Parrot.

“Times are tough,” he told our reporter.

“We only ever used to come down to the pub on Fridays when we had something to celebrate, like a person moving to New York or Berlin. Or us getting a huge client like Rebel Sport, you know?”

“But now we just come down here to drink because the industry has gone to shit. There’s no work for us creative types. Capitalism is a harsh mistress.”

Our reporter thought about comparing that to the thriving journalism industry, but elected to just get up from the table and walk away without saying anything.

More to come.


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