Byron mother and online retailer of bespoke Balinese goods Andrea Vachser has today taken to a few online Facebook groups to voice her concerns about big pharma today.

This comes after news broke this morning that Australian scientists have achieved a major breakthrough in the fight against the Coronavirus by manufacturing the virus in a lab – which is a huge step towards developing a vaccine.

However, that global breakthrough has not been received well in the Northern Rivers of NSW or the Northern Shivers as it is also known.

“Here we go again, #notmychild #not my baby,” said the wife of a fringe NRL player for the Gold Coast Titans.

“People are so concerned about the Coronavirus that they are willing to risk their lives letting the government and big pharma develop another deadly vaccine,” she said whilst sipping her cold-pressed arrowroot, carrot and turmeric juice.

“I refuse, they can bully us all they want, but I will not let my children be subjected to governments sanctioned programs like lab rats in a cage.”

The angry mother of Aldous and Petunia then told us that she just can’t believe how the people of this country just roll over and submit.

“5-G, chemtrails, fluoride in the water, the light rail burning and now this latest vaccine, when will people wake up.”


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