A Betoota mother of three is leaping for joy this evening after being gifted a get out of jail free card that saves her from attending her children’s Christmas pageant.

With silly season in full swing and the weekly calendar of events filling up faster than a middy glass, Naomi Harmer (38) of Betoota Heights was handed the miracle upon reading a late night email from work.

“Oh no honey, they’ve just sent out the work Christmas party details!” Naomi called out to her husband who was sitting on the John.

“It’s on Friday the 8th, the same night as the kid’s school pageant!”

Having grown up in a lapsed Catholic family, Naomi’s kids were cornered into attending St Mary’s South Betoota, an institution that still does a school pageant.

As a result, every Christmas Namoi has to suffer the pain of sweating in her local school hall in the peak of summer while watching 400 feral kids attempt to reenact the nativity scene.

But thanks to some miraculous scheduling, The Advocate can confirm that this year instead of watching the school choir butcher Silent Night, Naomi will be spending her Friday putting away as much house sparkling wine as physically possible within a four hour bar tab at the Betoota race course.

“Sorry love, it’s going to have to be you this year,” Naomi pretended to lament to her husband, as she started trawling through her cupboard to find her favourite floral party dress.

“Also they’ll need a hand with their costumes, you might have to head to Spotlight to buy some fabric to dress them as shepherds. I think I tossed out the ones we made last year…”

More to come.


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