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A local millennial woman has had her biggest taste of mortality since Bindi Irwin got married, after watching the trailer for ‘The Mean Girls Musical.’

Darcey Vernon, 30, tells The Advocate that she’d initially been very sceptical about the concept, seeing as the original movie aired only twenty years ago, but admits the trailer actually looks quite fun – though of course, nothing will ever compare to Rachel McAdams as Regina.

However, as she’d found herself surprisingly enjoying the trailer, there was one line that had her jolting in her seat.

“What do you mean this ‘isn’t your mother’s Mean Girls?’, she gasps, “your MOTHER!?”

“I’m thirty for fuck sake.”

Darcey goes on to explain that she always thought Mean Girls was most popular with her generation, citing that even her elder millennial sister wasn’t that into the movie.

“I swear all the OG fans of Mean Girls are like, age 35 max”, she explains, “my friends that do have kids, have toddlers.”

“I doubt they’ll be watching The Mean Girls Musical?”

“God I feel so fucking old now.”

More to come.


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