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A local woman has been left feeling quite emotionally manipulated by someone she least expected, causing her to question her memory and reevaluate her sanity.

It’s alleged Tara Esposito (27) had visited her grandparents up north for the day, which was a monthly trek she made as part of her family visitation circuit – considering her parents, sister and grandparents all lived within ten minutes of each other.

As the one member of the family who dared to venture into the big smoke, the visit also served as a stark reminder of how much she doesn’t miss the suburbs. Though admittedly, the large square footage was a little tempting.

Of course, when visiting family, you have to be prepared for at least one member to say something mildly insulting, which almost always happens to be Nonna. And for Tara, those insults are always focussed on her appearance.

For instance, last time Tara caught up with her family for her dad’s birthday, her nonna had remarked how much older she looked, before lamenting about her desire to have more grandchildren. A remark that left Tara inspecting her skin closely in the mirror for any fine lines, and immediately purchasing a bottle of retinol.

But the biggest obsession she’s always had to deal with is the focus on weight, with her family members regularly commenting on people in the shopping centre or news anchors on TV – and now that’s she’s finally grown into a woman, she’s now sadly a target too

Despite her Nonna regularly expressing concern on the phone about Tara’s eating habits or if she was getting enough sustenance, one in visit has been enough for her Nonna to swing back in the other direction – leaving Tara a little rattled and confused.

“You puttona weight”, says Nonna, with love.

Copping some instant backlash from Tara, Nonna gaslights her way out of the insult by stating she meant it in a good way!

“You look like a woman. It good”

“Look good”

“More shape, you look healthy.”

“Justa no more.”

More to come.


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