As modern Australia continues to embrace the American tradition of Halloween, one local resident’s decision not to don a costume seemed to reflect more than just his anti-American spirit. Reports indicate that his disdain of halloween attire is quite similar to his conversational skills at parties, leaving many attendees spooked by his scarcity of engaging conversation.

David Scholes (30), isn’t new to halloween, the local man has actually been to as many halloween parties as anyone else, but his combination of leaving things until the last minute and his too cool for school attitude have resulted in him yet again not wearing anything to a halloween dress up party.

“I only remembered it was a halloween themed party the night before, I just told people I was dressed up as myself, haha” David told the advocate.

Surprisingly, David’s joke that he was “dressed up as himself” didn’t get as many laughs as expected, in fact, David struggled to get a single laugh the whole night with his anti-fun, “dressing up is for kids” attitude.

“I just think it seems a little try-hard, I don’t know why people care so much if I don’t dress up.”

While many that know David are not surprised by the move, and consider him a pretty dull kind of guy, he denies the allegations.

“I’m not dull, I have plenty of hobbies! mainly sports and cars.” David reassured the advocate.

David says this time of year is hard for those that are too mature for halloween, but is proud he stood by his guns again this year and remained the most boring man in the friendship group.


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