ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Sometime last year, Gilbert Boing was eliminated from Channel 10’s Survivor and on that warm tropical night his torch was extinguished – he promised that ‘this’ was just the beginning.
Countless long months later, the nation still hasn’t heard anything from the 34-year-old chimney sweep, which is leading many to believe that it was indeed the last we’ll ever see of him.
“I got in the newspaper last year,” he said.
“Not just this one but a big major one down in the city.”
The incident Mr Boing is referring to is his arrest earlier this year for throwing rocks at buses and iron ore trains.
“Nothing to be proud of,” he added.
“But the nation did hear from me again. I kept my word!”
When asked if he had any plans to reignite his fledgeling career in entertainment, Boing said he clung to hope that he’d be invited back on Survivor for a special, such as Villians vs Angels or Celebrity Survivor.
Either that, he said, or he plans to go mad in a public so the police would have to shoot him.
“That would certainly be the end! [laughs]”
More to come.