Certified triple j fanatic Melanie Armstrong (24) has entered her second hour of sitting by the speaker at a Hottest 100 listening party, making sure all the other guests know when one of the songs she voted for comes on, occasionally demanding silence as to best appreciate a drop.

According to Armstrong , listening to triple j daily has given her an appreciation for the Hottest 100 that other party guests do not have.

“It’s the world’s biggest musical democracy,” stated Armstrong , not realising she is repeating a triple j tagline verbatim. 

“I’m surprised more people don’t take it as seriously as me. Sometimes I hate my generation lol.” 

Friends of Armstrong are hoping her new found love for democracy will still be going strong in a couple of months time when she will be called upon to vote in the federal election. 

Although she’s been eligible to vote federally twice in her life, Armstrong is one of almost one million adult Australians who are not enrolled to vote, choosing instead to cop $55 fine you get every time you miss a vote you never enrolled for.

“Well the first election I was on a gap year so I couldn’t vote and last time I didn’t bother because it was obvious Bill Shorten was gunna win. But he didn’t, didn’t he?” 

Armstrong began explaining that her political apathy comes from her belief that both major parties are as bad as each other, an opinion she developed after “just one minute of research” that turned out to be a 30 second ad for Network 10’s The Project which she was served twice.

“Does it really matter who the Prime Minister is? Spoiler alert; it’s gonna be some fat white man who is cheating on his wife while doing fuck all about the environment or whatever is happening in Africa.”

“And if you think I’m part of the problem maybe you should – oh! Doja Cat fuck yeah! I voted for this! It should be higher!” 


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