Australia’s hens party sector is expected to be 100% recyclable by the end of 2019, a new industry report has confined.

Starting with the introduction of steel and cardboard penis straws, replacing the iconic plastic model.

Darryl Hunk, director of the Hens Or Relatively New Bachelorettes And Gay-Bucks Syndicate (HORNBAGS) says that the by introducing steel straws and bamboo stirrers, although small changes, will have a positive impact both on the earth and the marriages.

“Let’s just say, from what we’ve seen, if the penis straw is disposable, so to is the penis penis that follows it [haha]” laughed Hunk.

“We are proud to have eliminated plastic straws and stirrers from the industry” he said. “This is part of our focus to improve the sustainability of the packaging we use for all penis themed toys and trinkets”

“As an industry body, we have a responsibility to contribute to sustainable initiatives that will benefit the environment and removing plastic straws and stirrers is an important step in the right direction. We know there are still improvements to be made, but we are committed to continuing to look for ways to improve the environmental footprint of wine drunk, toey women who are laughing at full volume in the middle of busy licensed venues”


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