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A Betoota Ponds bride-to- be has unknowingly entered into a binding contract with the devil, after naively agreeing to accept money from the in-laws to bankroll her upcoming wedding, it’s reported.

Like many Australians, Tabitha Morgan and her boyfriend Ryan have both been struggling with the cost of living, which was also driving a wedge in their wedding plans to the point where eloping seemed like a much more desirable option. 

However, ‘luckily for them’, Ryan’s cashed up parents have generously offered to pay for everything… but as Tabitha has now come to learn, there is no such thing as a free lunch. 

It’s alleged this moment of realisation occurred mere days after the funds were sent through, with Ryan’s mum, Moira, coming in hot with some ‘stipulations.’

Immediately setting up a ‘wedding meeting’, Moira had demanded a complete breakdown of where her money would be going

“Twenty five people is an awfully small wedding”, said Moira, pursing her lips as she read through the guest list, “what about our friends from the church? And Ryan’s cousins.”

“Also you can’t have lilies on the table, they’re funeral flowers. Roses are much classier.”

“When is your dress fitting, I need to be there.”

Unfortunately when Tabitha did finally muster up the courage to tell Moira that she needed more space to make decisions about her wedding, she was hit with the five words she really didn’t want to hear – “Well I’m paying for it.”

“I need to be happy about where my money is going.”

More to come.


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