Time seems to be moving at a slower pace for Brisbane residents with two grand final appearances scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

As any brand on Facebook circa 2015 will tell you, Wednesdays are hump days, the lunch portion of which signifies being equidistant from weekends both past and future.

For brown snake local Shane Faralla (29), the fact that his dear Broncos and his nod-when-you-see-them-in-a-hallway Lions have both made it to the big dance has made his week move about as fast as Logan bricklayer whose wife has tickets to an amatuer theatre production.

“I swear I’ve woken up thinking it’s Friday maybe four or five times this week,” stated Faralla, a pair of ominous black jerseys/guernseys plaguing his mind. 

“Herbie Farnworth can run backwards quicker than this week”

Although Faralla is sure both his teams are in with a real shot, having won nothing since Howard was PM, the thought of going down in the big dance to the arrogant team with the feral fans has reduced his sleeping hours and thus dragging out his week even more so.

“C’mon you fucking Bronx” he says.

“And uh.. You fucking Lions”



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