ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
“I could sit here all day and explain why I backflipped on that but it’d just go over your head,” he laughed.
“But Jesus Christ! I’m walking like a cowboy today! [laughs]”
Opposition leader Bill Shorten spoke to The Advocate this morning from the comfort of his Melbourne home about the new horrific encryption laws that the Morrison Government just passed with his help.
“It helps us catch bad people but the language is vague enough to make it legal for us to after just about anyone – and in a few weeks time, nobody will even remember them being passed or what they were about!”
“Australia’s tech scene, you say? Do we even have one? Do you think I care? Anyway, what else has been happening? How’s everything going up there? Oh, that sounds but I really need to go. I trust that everything we’ve said today remains between us, I’d hate to read about you being spritzed in the face with a nerve agent after the election. The rules apply to everyone.”
Nevertheless, the President of the Betooticone Valley Chamber of Commerce spoke briefly to our reporter about the ramifications these new laws will have on his desert tech community.
Peter Jack, of DigiRooDo BBDO said the international teams are now considering his Australian team to be compromised.
However, he was not prepared to go on record because he puts a high value on being alive.
More to come.