Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has suggested normal human emotions have once again played a role in the blocking his plans for a safer Australia. After his bid to deport six refugees back to a country that wanted to kill them, failed.
It is believed the refugees told the Federal Government they were at risk of execution in Iran
Mr Dutton wanted the men deported, along with four others, but the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), which reviews decisions made by Federal Government ministers, departments and agencies, blocked the bid – mainly because it looked a lot like Dutton was signing off an execution.
“This is such bullshit” said Dutton during an interview with a person who probably agreed with him on talkback radio 3AW in Melbourne.
“These stupid bloody bureaucrats with their normal, human responses to complex issues like capital punishment in unstable dictatorships”
“Just leave emotion, and sound assessment, out of it!”
The interview was cut short as both Dutton and the radio host began chanting ‘Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!” incessantly.