Australian Open organisers have today moved to appease the world’s top tennis players, currently holed up in hotel Quarantine.
This comes after another day of the world’s higher ranking tennis players (who have either forgotten what’s it like, or never had to battle on tour) complaining about having to live like normal people in hotel quarantine ahead of the open.
Novax Djokovic was the most notable player to ask for special treatment, while plenty of others have asked for special training arrangements before playing an international tennis tournament with a huge amount of prize money involved in the middle of a global pandemic.
However, unable to appease the entitled professional sportspeople they are moving heaven and earth for, Tennis Australia has urgently procured a couple of hundred Totem Tennis Kits for all of the quarantining players.
“This is the ultimate training regime,” explained CEO of Tennis Australia Craig Tilley.
“Ultimately we’d love to get them some older siblings to bash the ball as hard as they can so it’s impossible to have a bit of a rally and really test their reflexes out,”
“But in this day and age, you can’t always get what you want.”
“Something that our players are really struggling to come to terms with.”
“Anyway, this should keep em fit I reckon.”