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Local woman Tinacity Willis couldn’t have been more obvious about what she wanted for Valentine’s Day if she tried. For the past fortnight, Tinacity has been leaving magazines open and tagging her boyfriend, Cameron, in social posts that clearly hint at what she’d like as a gift. 

However, she has today realised her tactics were all for nothing after her boyfriend showed up with a bunch of shit flowers and a box of Ferraro Rochers. 

“I’m allergic to nuts, so what am I going to do with these?”

“And these flowers still have a receipt stuffed in them, they were $8 and he bought them at 3:27pm today – so he’s just gone into Woollies on his way home”  

“I don’t know why I even bothered with all the hints” 

The Advocate reached out to Cameron for comment and to see just how the hell he screwed up this home run. 

“Shit, I didn’t know they were hints”

“I thought she tagged me in those necklace posts by accident”

“Her best mate’s name is Cas… so you can see where the mix up could have happened”

“It’s like I had a Stephen Bradbury moment, but I fucked it up.”

While Tinacity is ropeable about her dud Valentine’s Day, it is perhaps worth sparing a thought for all the single ladies out there who received nothing at all. After all, it’s better to spend the night eating a box of Italian chocolates with your partner than crying at home alone.

More to come.


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