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The hottest new agency in Betooticon Valley bought a display motorcycle for their reception area today, ushering a new era of cool.

Branlette Mouille has overtaken Clemenger Betoota BBDO as the hippest, most-in-demand agency in town and many in the local industry suspect it might have something to do with the Yamaha Cruiser they’ve just put in reception.

Prospective clients have also reportedly had their socks blown off by the two-wheel vehicle, saying that it’s got a real Melbourne vibe without actually trying too hard.

“Just like our team,” says Brett Goblin, Branlette Mouille’s lead creative.

“We like to invest in people and ideas. No suits here, just t-shirts, fucked jeans and ironic tattoos. Clients love our raw passion for advertising and SEO. Little wonder why we’re number one in town right now,”

“In addition to our motorcycle, we also offer clients scotch to drink while they’re waiting. We have plans to expand on this by offering a shoe shine and beard trim. But for now, the Yamaha will have to do! [laughs]”

Echoing the Goblin’s sentiments was a representative from a prospective client who spoke to The Advocate a short time ago.

He was quick to praise the yellow crotch rocket and even asked the receptionist how they got it up to the third floor.

“Turns out they just put it in the lift! Crazy. Imagine that, doors open and there’s a man with a motorbike! Random! Anyway, love what they’re doing here at Branlette Mouille. We’re big fans of their work. Just look at all the Cairns [sic] Lions they have at the reception! Soon they’ll run out of space!”

“Anyway, I represent a small fencing company in South Betoota and we’re looking to jazz up our look with a slick TVC. Our budget isn’t that big, maybe $500 or $600. Depends on what they pitch. Sound a great to hear what they have to say,”

“I’m just about to go into a meeting and this motorbike has filled me with confidence.”

More to come.


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