EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle Contact

A fish and chip shop located in Betoota’s industrial precinct has narrowly beaten a $6 banh mi vietnamese bakery as the most popular takeaway joint for tradies, its reported.

‘Jimmies Chop Shop’, which is known to offer everything from burgers, pies, parmis and random thai curries, is beloved amongst locals for both the large portion sizes and for cooking everything in oil that only gets changed once a week.

Their most popular dish, the humble snapper and chips, is particularly loved by industrial workers aged 35 +, who should be a bit more careful about consuming that much fat and oil on a daily basis.

Nonetheless, the regular patrons reckon that the ‘hi vis chips’ are a must try delicacy, including Bob Canavan [45] who shows our reporter a generously sized portion of fluoro yellow chips that look almost radioactive.

“Mate, have one of these, they’ll change your life”, says Bob, feeling the need to personally hand Effie a chip using his fingers, “best chips you’ll ever have.”

Tasting an explosion of chicken salt, sweat (likely from Bob), and starch, Effie admits that the chips are pretty fucking amazing.

More to come.


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