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Local woman Mimi Devon has today been reminded that not everyone lives their life in constant fear, it’s reported.

This harsh realisation is said to have occurred whilst having a coffee catchup with her 6’5 mate James after his two month stint travelling all across Southern America, who had some wise words of advice – likely stemming from the ayahuasca retreat he went to in Peru.

“I’m telling you Mimi, you just HAVE to travel South America on your own, it’s so eye opening”, says James.

“ESPECIALLY Venezuela.”

“Like, after shitting and vomiting my guts out under the guidance of a shaman, I came to the conclusion that everyone needs to do a solo trip to discover themselves.”

“I feel so enlightened. I don’t think I can do the whole, mouse on a wheel, nine to five thing anymore.”

“Honestly Mimi, DO IT!”

Letting out an uncomfortable laugh, Mimi sadly has to burst James bubble and inform him that it’s probably not a good idea that she, a 5’1 tiny female, go travelling through these countries on her own.

“Yeah looook, I’m probably not in the mood to get human trafficked, but I’m glad you had a good time!”

“Was the coke as good as they say?”

More to come.


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