Local Brisbane man who doesn’t really care for rugby league or AFL that much will surely be getting around the Lions and Broncos this weekend. 

Spike Webster(26) isn’t really a footy guy and doesn’t really get sport in general but has found himself in an awkward position as his city’s two premier sporting clubs have both made the grand finals in their respective codes.

“Yeah I guess it’s kind’ve cool. Are we good? like is this an under dog thing or was this expected?”. Spike said to reporters.

“Broncos are our AFL team right? I always get them mixed up”.

Although unsure of the rules of either game, which team is which or what AFL actually even is, Spike is happy that his friends are happy, and will probably watch the game.

“Yeah, it’s all my mates are talking about really, it’s like they’re kids again or something, it’s crazy”.

Spike’s friends have assured Betoota Advocate that Spike will definitely be watching the games.

“There’s no way he’s missing either of the games, it’s going to be such a moment for Brisbane if we win them both”. Said Spike’s housemate, Jack Purdy (25).

When asked how he feels about the fact that he has no choice but to watch two football games in one weekend Spike said

“At this point it’s out of my control, even my mum asked me if i’m watching it, i simply have no choice”.

” I guess it will be good to get all the sporting references that will go down at work on Monday, I usually just have to be silent when those come up”.

“Two games is going to be a really big push for my attention span, I haven’t watched two games of footy this year”.

This weekend will be the biggest sporting weekend for Brisbane in many years and non sports fans will be put to the test both physically and mentally. Spike remains confident that he can get through it.


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