An overseas trip may not have been money well spent as unmarried couple Dave and Tahlia have returned from South East Asia with two very different collections of photos.
Tahlia has returned with almost 1000 photos of herself in beautiful beaches, bridges and coves, with the other tourists sneakily cropped out, a rewarding collection that really shows the diversity of her swim wear wardrobe.
Dave meanwhile took only 12 photos on his phone, all of which are of signs with funny mistranslations and the odd photo of Tahlia struggling with a particularly spicy rice dish.
“Ugh, you’d think we just went on a holiday to The Museum of Dopey Signs,” stated Tahlia while discussing Dave’s apparent attempt at getting a spot in the MONA.
“And I told him I didn’t want him showing anyone those spicy food pictures! My face looks fucked but it was the best my hair looked in any of the other photos he took of me!”
Tahlia then left the interview to craft one of her planned 298 photo dumps, leaving our reporting team time to talk to the artist who has found beauty in the innocence of miscommunications and the brutality of the suffering we can inflict upon ourselves.
“How funny is this but?” asked Dave as he showed us the sign of a Balinese canteen that simply said ‘Extra dik’.