Finding out who your fake friends are doesn’t always involve overnight success or binge drinking while active on social media.

In the case of Hugh Byron (28) all it took for him to learn a lesson about friendship was to go 50/50 on jugs with friend Dave Monk (27).

Committing to making fewer trips to the bar but consuming more alcohol, Byron and Monk agreed they would take turns buying jugs of beer in an effort to rebrand their drinking as ‘social.’

At approximately 7:30pm, Byron suggested Monk purchase the next jug shortly, only to be told by Monk that he’s not sure if it’s his round and he just might want a schooner anyway.

“You sure it’s my round?” asked Monk with a grin.

“I don’t remember, should we just call it a day then?”

While forgetting whose round it is may not be uncommon at a pub, Byron finds it hard to believe Monk forgot due to his memory skills in other areas.

“He can remember all 150 original Pokemon,” stated Bryon.

“He’s trying to cast confusion on me. He knows it’s his fucking round.”

When faced with the accusation that he could remember all 150 original Pokemon from a franchise he hasn’t properly enjoyed since John Howard was PM, Monk laughed it off and began a rendition of the Poke-Rap that made a good case for him not needing to have another drink.


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