The repercussions of a Trump victory may end up running much deeper into society than experts have first predicted.
In less than 6 months since the “Trump-slide”, Instagram models around the world are reporting record crashes in their follower numbers – as they insist on broadcasting their political views on a channel usually dedicated to photos of themselves not wearing clothes.
Alexis Rose, a 22 year old model is bewildered by the response from her fan base.
“I mean, I know they like the bikini shots and the gym workouts that I post, but I’m shocked to find that they are not at all interested in the sad pout selfie that I posted after hearing that Hillary had lost”.
Despite admitting that she knows nothing about “politics and all that stuff” she felt that her network of like-minded models owed it to their country and their fan base to “bring awareness to important topics”.
Meanwhile in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney where a large majority of the Insta-model economy stems, young men are showing their disgust at this new content pillar coming from their favourite models on Instagram.
Stephen Barkeley, a 32 year old investment banker says “Mate, my Instagram feed is like a fucking morgue and as such, my Whatsapp threads are suffering. It’s a disaster”.
Stephen says that he and his friends are meeting at the Bucket List this afternoon to talk it through and hopefully find some “real life tail” to take their minds off this tragedy.
this was quite hilarious and funnay i laughed so herd that i ploped my panties
– I am a male