The Labor Party have today come out in criticism of the Morrison government for giving away favours and sensitive political information to a foreign government, without even making a buck

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese has grilled the Liberal Party for allowing a spy into the federal lower house without even getting an Aldi shopping bag dropped off.

This follows last week’s ABC report that revealed Chinese Government records indicating Liberal backbencher Gladys Liu was a member of two provincial chapters of the China Overseas Exchange Association between 2003 and 2015.

Having initially said she “cannot recall” being a member of either group, the recently-elected Member For Chisolm later confirmed she held an an honorary role with foreign agency in 2011, but no longer had any association with the organisation.

However, the ABC also revealed that ASIO had advised then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull not attend an event, based on the guest list, which Ms Liu had arranged in Melbourne.

Senator Cormann and Foreign Minister Marise Payne have repeatedly refused to use the term “fit and proper” but instead said they had “full confidence” in her remaining a MP – in turn, exposing how desperate they are to maintain the one-seat majority, considering Barnaby had to resign for getting a root on the road.

However, following a big fortnight of ICAC inquiries into the NSW Labor Party for their similarly dodgy links to governments that aren’t part of the Australian Commonwealth, Albanese has also stopped short of fully condemning the Liberals for bringing Gladys Liu into their inner-circle.

“I just hope someone is making a quid out of it gotdammit!” said Albo.


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