In a punchy display of self confidence, a local woman has taken a leap of faith by crossing off a task from her to-do list before actually completing it. 

Yesterday, the self-proclaimed multitasking maven, Steph Vesper [26], decided to tackle her extensive to-do list, mainly comprised of multiple benign ‘life admin’ tasks she’d been eager to complete before lunchtime. 

As she methodically worked through the list, checking off items, Steph’s confidence reached an all-time high. Buoyed by her early successes, she set her sights on a particularly daunting task—’ ‘pick up the dry-cleaning’ – the only one that required her too leave her kitchen desk. 

In a state of euphoria after breezing through the first few items on her list, she made the interesting decision to cross the task from her list before rewarding herself with a cup of tea. 

What she hadn’t counted for was her severe inability to refocus, with her self diagnosed ADHD wreaking havoc as she lost track of time switching from Threads, to TikTok, to online shopping. 

Before she knew it the day was over and the laundromat closed. 

‘Oh well, theres not much on tomorrows list’, she thought in a lame attempt to comfort herself. 

Betoota reached out to Steph for comment to make sense of the situation.

‘It happens to all of us’ she shrugged, ‘the day just got away from me, you know’


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