EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact
As she scrolls through her Facebook wall to bask in all the birthday attention, local woman Addison Young finds her smile wavering.
Those fuckers.
Staring right at her, are not one but three of the most hideous selfies she’s dropped in the group chat. A side to her that only her closest friends should see, and not the 1,207 people she’s got on Facebook.
This has not only broken her trust but also the unspoken girlfriend rule which clearly states that only your mates or long term partner should see the most disgusting, swamp witch side to yourself. In fact, she mused, Russell Brand posting that awful photo of Katy Perry pretty much signalled the start of the end of that relationship.
Speaking to The Advocate, a furious Addison says she quickly deleted the images and sent a few choice words to the perpreters, even hinting that she’ll now think twice about what she sends – or at least, reserve it for Snapshot.
“Look, I get that some people may see this as an overreaction, but they were pretty fucking bad”, says Addison.
Showing us her phone, our reporter agrees that the double chin shot is especially bad, and the one of her drunkenly slumped on a toilet covered in her own spew is a complete violation.
“Do I retaliate? I’ve got some shockers.”
“Fuck, what if the bloke I’m tuning sees it? It’s not fucking cool.”
“My nan shock reacted the toilet one.”
“I didn’t even know she knew how to do that.”
More to come.