WEST END, Brisbane (QLD) –
Despite arriving in Australia as a post-war migrant in the mid-1960s, a local Greek-Australian grandfather says that he thinks Donald Trump will be a great President for America.
Not only that, he says that Trump’s tough stance on terrorists, immigrants, hippies and the political class is something both Australia and Greece could learn from.
Yanni Gerbanas (85) says the splintering of political factions in his home country is pathetic and the rise of a working underclass has been something he has warned everyone about for decades.
“What I tell you?” he roars at his art student grandson and his hairdresser daughter over coffee this morning.
“Donald is great. Greece need a Donald. Australia need one”
Following the successful ‘Grexit’ referendum in 2014, this grandfather of fifty-four says all Greece needs now is a no-nonsense leader who will drain the bureaucratic swamp of his Greek politics.
“Greece says fuck you to Europe. Greece leave. Now Greece need a Donald”
Even though the retired construction and real estate magnate can’t seem to get along with other Greek-Australians who weren’t born in the exact same village as he was, he believes a Trump-esque leader is exactly what Greece needs to unite the people.
“Too much lazy” he roars.
“Athens people are too rich. Spoilt”