EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A local woman has today come to the sad conclusion that she’ll have to actively start looking up fun facts, after reading news that Nestle would be discontinuing Fantales, it’s reported.

Taylah Bellingham [28] says she originally learnt trivia from her dad’s XXXX beer bottle caps as a kid, and on the back of her Libra pads as a teenager – a fun tidbit both companies no longer do anymore.

Now, having resorted to relying solely on Fantales packets to make her an interesting person, Taylah was disappointed to discover that not only will Fantales cease to deliver fun facts, but also – cease to exist at all.

Unlike the many other people who are complaining solely for the nostalgia reason, and not because they’ve actually consumed the product in the past ten years, Taylah says Fantales have always been one of her favourite choccies – even if they end up chipping her teeth half the time.

“I guess I understand, it probably doesn’t make much sense for Nestle to continue producing Fantales if people aren’t buying them as often as they used to.”

“It’s certainly not the most fucked thing Nestle has done.”


“…did you know that Nicole Kidman was born in Hawaii?”

More to come.


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