A local father managed to regain some dignity today after the mechanic couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong with the family car on the first go either.

Graham Birken (50) of Betoota Heights awoke to his oldest daughter Lindall (19) asking for help as her car wouldn’t start.

“I just wanted to ask if I could use his roadside assist,” stated Lindall.

“Should have woken up mum instead.”

Springing into action, Birken asked his daughter to pop the hood and went to tinkering supporting a pair of rolled up sleeves and a beer despite it being 6am.

“No, there is no need to call a mechanic,” stated Birken, who learnt all about fixing cars in his job as a AA battery salesman in the ’90s.

“All they will do is charge you a callout fee and fix the problem.”

However, with Lindall already late for work Birken bit the bullet and allowed his daughter to call a mechanic. To this old fella’s delight though, the mechanic was unable to determine the cause of the engine failure right away either.

“Yeah she’s just not right mate,” a grinning Birken told the mechanic just in case the fella ever gets called out to perfectly working cars.

“I’m scratching my head too.”


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