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Like 80% of the male population, local bloke Anthony Madden is losing his hair – albeit a little bit faster than his peers.

Having once sported an enviable mane, Anthony was saddened to see that he was to follow in the same footsteps of his father, who too, lost the majority of his hair before he even turned thirty.

Despite trying to save what he had left with various foams, medication and rolling needles into his scalp, Anthony was unfortunately unable to fight nature but also not at the stage where he felt comfortable shaving it entirely off. 

But on the plus side, at least he didn’t have a weird shaped head like his poor mate Dave, who looked as though he must have had a tight squeeze coming out the birth canal.

However, even though Anthony was able to rock his look pretty damn well, he unfortunately was seen making a rather terrible fashion faux pas over the weekend by purchasing a sleeveless hoodie, which is a weird fashion item in general if you think about it.

Chatting to The Advocate, Anthony says he thought he looked pretty cool until one of his mates pointed out that he looked like an uncircumcised penis and the other remarked that it was ‘giving him E.T.’

“Fucking over this shit, can’t wear anything around those fuckers”, mutters Anthony.

“One time I wore a bright yellow shirt.”

“They called me The Wiggles for three weeks straight.”

More to come.


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