EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle Contact 

A local woman has today run a somewhat risky dating move, which can either make her appear like the ultimate manic pixie dream girl or an utter psycho. A line that’s admittedly a very fine one to tread.

Jen Gerritson [28] is alleged to have developed a bit of a fuck it attitude to dating, having stopped caring about keeping up appearances in favour of being herself. And though this is admirable, seeing as a relationship based on a false version of oneself can quickly unravel, there is some sense in keeping the crazy in the cage for a little while.

But Jen is over hiding her odd interests, as the right guy would love her eccentricities, right? Nonetheless, bringing up the topic of true crime on a casual date can truly go either way – but here’s hoping her pretty privilege can pull her over the line.

Digging into a chicken parmi, Jen nonchalantly asks the bloke who his favourite serial killer is, as though it’s a normal decision to ponder.

“I think I’d go with John Wayne Gacy”, says Jen thoughtfully, “it’s why I’ve always been terrified of clowns.”

“Like it almost sounds made up.”

“Bundy is a strong contender too. Mostly as he had the facilities to be a normal person.”

“Like you look at some serial killers, such as Ramirez, and it’s like, well yeah you look like a fucking vampire, of course, you kill people.”

“It’s so odd when someone who had a relatively normal childhood turns into a killer. It’s why the nature/nurture debate is so hard to answer. A lot of them did get head injuries, though, weirdly enough.”

“Also, I never thought Bundy was attractive? He really needed to tweeze those brows.”

Failing to notice her date’s nervous laugh, Jen stares into space as she attempts to think of any more serial killer facts that could woo him.

More to come.


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