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A Betoota Ponds nanna has today had to have a moment to pause and think, after her Gen Z granddaughter Nina tried to explain how dating works these days.

Like many members of the family, one of the first questions Eleanora Phipps [80] is interested in knowing the answer about is whether or not Nina will be in the process of pumping out some grand babies in the next few years – which she now knows is likely a ‘no’, seeing as young people these days seem to involve a seven step dating process before becoming official.

It’s alleged Eleanora was seen pausing for several minutes after Nina informed her that she was ‘kind of seeing someone but it’s not serious but we’ll see how it goes.”

“Yeah I am dating someone and it’s exclusive but he’s not my boyfriend”, Nina explained, “so we see each other five times a week but we’re not offical.”

Looking as though she was about to have a stroke, Eleanora says she’s confused because that sounds like a boyfriend.

“No, like we we were kind of seeing each other for a while but we weren’t ‘dating’, and then we were ‘dating’ but it wasn’t exclusive, but now it is exclusive but we’re not girlfriend boyfriend.”

“Wha…”, responded Eleanora, whose husband literally kidnapped her when she was sixteen and forced her to marry him, “the fuck is wrong with your generation?”

More to come.


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